
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Kira is 3 years and 10 months!

 My pretty and colorful girl.
 Kira sleeping.  She likes a little company, don't judge!
 Great Grandma Howard had sent Kira a get well card with a little something for her to get something special and Kira chose jewelry! This is actually only half of it...what a kid :)

 Kira twirling (as always).

 Silly time with mom :)

 Life was good before that cast.
 Still pretty good after though....
Besides the breaking of her arm, Kira has a had a pretty good month.  Its been really hot so we are very sad we haven't been able to swim but we have done lots of playing and watched lots of good cartoons. She is only 4 days out from getting the long cast off and then we will see if she gets a short cast or splint or nothing. Only two days after that, we leave for a two week vacation in Michigan with Grandma and Grandpa Hopper. Everyone keep your fingers crossed about that cast!!!!!