
Monday, July 11, 2011

Kit is 14 Months!

Kit finishing off her ice cream :)Playing in the laundry room.

Chocolate chip cookie time.
Hugging on her blanket.Riding Kira's horse.My tired out little girl.

Kit giving kisses to her baby.

Kit is 14 months now! She is doing really good. Sleeping through the night all the time now, napping really well in her new room and she plays just fine without me in the room so my baby is growing up! She is turning into quite the eater so I'm curious to see how much she has grown next time she heads to the doctor. She is still quite sensitive and little things just make her crumple into tears. It's really quite sad. She is such a little lover though and we are loving that she gives us kisses every now and then..mostly her toys get them though. She is fun little girlie..and I do mean girlie. I don't think there is a tomboy bone in this girl but I guess time will tell.