Kira's first time on a swing. She didn't really love it all that much.
Kira discovered where we keep the paper towel. Needless to say that now has a latch on it :)
Kira just happy as a clam in her pretty dress from Grandma Howard.
Kira showing off that dress a little more.
Kira attempting to walk. She made it six steps today!
Kira fell alseep during lunch.
Kira and I ready for game 7 last Friday. She only made it through the first period though :(
Kira wanting to drive already! She was quite happy in that driver seat :)
Just some rivers and wet lands in Logan valley. We drive there quite a bit looking for birds.
Nothing really new to share. We took Kira up into the mountains and down by the river this past weekend and then of course there are the pics where we are all excited for game 7...if only we had known how that was going to turn out we might not look so happy :( but anyways, I thought I would share the pictures. The first picture was at the going away party where we were exposed to Swine flu! So not exciting but over a week has gone by so we are in the clear :)